Friday, October 21, 2011

I just read a few posts I had written on Word Press which I wrote in 2006 0r 7 . Writing out what you are thinking is likely a good exercise now and then.. but the best thing is reading it years later .
We have now been in Mexico 9 years. Our daughter left years ago to finish high school and eventually to study nursing. She is in her third year of a BSCN . I tried to talk her out of it but she had "finally" made up her mind. Joel and Carrie now have two beautiful children which means we have two grandkids. They are the best hands down. Jeremy is the biggest surprise. Every year he left here with a heavy heart as he really did not want to go back to Canada . Last Easter he brought a girl home to us and told us he was getting married. She is a lovely Mexican gal who is now our daughter-in-law. I think Jeremy is still walking around in a daze. Someone outside his family really loves him. And she's smart and pretty too!!! He told me today he still does not understand why she loves him and what made her see through to the person he really is.. what I already knew, that he is kind, handsome and smart . He has become more loving to us since this event and more of a man his dad notices . If all the tears I have shed over this "man" were bottled I think there would be more than one.

So once again I see that my heart is what matters to God. Not the times I have messed up or failed to grasp some basic concept He is trying to teach me . He knows my heart and that I try am trying to serve Him in the only way I know how. I stand amazed that each of my kids is still following God... the one who I thought least likely to practice his faith is praying with his wife when she is troubled or worried and trying to be a good husband when he never ever thought he would be one. What an affirmation of the faithfulness of God. That nothing depends on my goodness or righteousness or getting it right.. it depends on His grace.

So let this be an encouragement to all you younger Christian moms and dads out there who are wondering whatever will become of your child who is such a challenge or your teen who is stretching the limits. If you have been faithful in your teaching and raising your sons or daughters then trust God for them (which by the way does not mean there won't be a number of mess-ups on both sides in the process) . Believe that God loves your child even more than you do and wants good for His children not evil . If He takes you through deep waters with your kids then still choose to trust in His promises . He is always good and nothing happens that He has not understood and known it in advance.
This I believe with my whole heart.


  1. Oh Rose, how this resonates with what Mark and I have experienced. Last night after a wonderful dinner with our daughter, Heather, and her son Cruz, who is 11 months, we were thinking how good God is. After years of turmoil and conflict, He has given us one of our three adult children who is walking with Him and with whom we enjoy a warm and consistent friendship. She is now married, the mother of two sweet grandkids, and seeing how true God's Word is and how necessary a close walk with the Father is to all of life.
    We will never take that for granted. It is, as you say, all of Him and His grace and none of us. He is merciful. For that we are ever thankful as we continue to plead for our two sons to surrender to the Savior. Our job in the meantime, as Ruth Graham Bell once said, is to love them and pray.
    Can there be anything more amazing in all of life than to partner with the Almighty in the rescuing of a precious soul? NO, I think not!Especially when it's a life the Lord entrusted to you to raise for Him.
    Thanks. I enjoyed your blog!

  2. Thank you for your kind comments. If there is nothing else to be learned by us the parents it is to be faithful in all things and to let be God be God in our kids lives. He can do it.
