Friday, September 4, 2009

I know I won't be able to keep this up...all this blogging but maybe it will be more frequent than the old web page..I hope so.
Today bright and early we headed out by car to a town about an hour away. On the way we passed an accident. they were still looking for someone in the old EMS training started to accelerate! Someone taking the curve too fast I guess.
The purpose of our journey today was to visit a woman we knew who had recently escaped from domestic violence in an isolated community. She was now living with her mom. The town that she escaped from had one woman who showed concern , visited her and shared the love of God. This as it turned out was our land lady!! She has been a blessing to us but I see that she is a blessing right where she lives in the heart of narco traficking ganaderos...ranchers. Many have moved out of that town for fear of their lives but Dona Brenda has her eternity already sorted out and she is going about being God's servant. She is in her early seventies.
We took about 2o min. finding the place which turned out to be a thatch roofed mud house. Quite well made actually.

The woman who we will call Senora O has HIV and so does her 7 year old daughter. She has 5 kids in total. Her sister who lives with them has 11!!!

Her little girl cannot hear due to chronic untreated ear infections. So another part of the trip was to bring them both back to the city to have an appt. with the doctor in DIF (social services). It had been all arranged. Remember we live in Mexico. So after eating "pollo sin huesos" (chicken without bones) otherwise known as beans and tortillas, we headed back to town. On the way back to town we passed another incident that looked very much like someone had just gunblasted all the windows out of a vehicle and another truck lay on its side. No emergency vehicles had yet arrived as we were waved past.

The doctor at DIF had left on an "emergency" to Guadalajara! This sort of thing is not all that uncommon and works the other direction as well where patients do not show up for appts. but since we were the ones who had made the trip .. it did not sit all that well. We did get an audience with the director of DIF who then made plans for a Monday appt.
During our discussion afterwards I discovered that the little girl is actually a half sister to another little girl we know living with her grandmother here in town. That little girl ,6, also has HIV. The biological mother is somewhere in the U.S. and Sra. O's husband fathered the little girl now in question. If you have followed me at all you have just seen a messed up situation that is too familiar here.
We prayed and they hopped the bus for the 1 and 1/2 hr busride home.
A portion of the day in my life!!

There is something else troubling me today. My missionary friend Alisa has taken a month out of her busy life to ride her bicycle on behalf of abandoned seniors here. To make people aware of the plight of a group of vulnerable and powerless individuals all over Mexico but especially where we live. To raise awareness and to raise funds for a Home for them here.
Her heart is to do this for God and pray that people will respond to the need by giving.
You see a small group of Christians living here, both Mexican and foreigners , who had no intention whatever of building anything had been prompted by God to do that very thing. It has been around 3 years in the planning and all is in place...except the money.
You need to know that all along the way we were sufficiently inexperienced, unskilled and without financial resources that we could not believe God would ask this of us. Let someone else do it!! He would not let us off the hook. Lord..why not help abandoned and abused children ??!! There is so much more interest in helping children and certainly their plight here is just as important! The answer came. Build this home for ME and for the old ones left on their own without help. So we carried on.
I believe the truth of the matter is that if we do not step up to the plate and trust God than we will be disobedient. And there will be no change.

Will Alisa's desire to please God be rewarded with the donated funds needed to start the home?? It really has everything to do with God and His plans and not a great deal to do with us and ours.
But this we know..if we are being obedient whether it is in the planning, the bicycling, giving financially or just making people aware...God will do it and He alone will receive the glory!!
Did I hear an Amen?!!

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