Wednesday, January 9, 2013

getting to know you

Most times people are more than aware of their own areas of weakness and vulnerability. If you are a born-gain believer in Jesus you may just (like me) agonize at times over your failings and the seeming impossibility of changing what appears to now be (in these later years!) a permanent part of our character.
Still, if we were to describe ourselves we would likely see the positive traits as more outstanding than those flaws that we just cannot seem to change. In fact we may not always agree with those less than positive traits spoken to or about us even if they smile when they say it. (If you are the only common denominator in comments like these then it's time to 'man or woman-up' and believe it!)
I have heard over the years the words abrupt, overly direct, too honest, stubborn and each time I hear it I am a bit amazed that that is what stands out and yet also very concerned. I do not want to grow old(er) being an "in your face" stubborn, undiplomatic old lady. Oh God please help me (again!).
On the other hand many more have told me that "someone has to be direct , honest and a tell -it- like- it- is kind of person in all that I am doing. Hmmm. Which is it Lord??

I really do love people and care about them... my time is another issue. A good friendship will endure long absences and even a brief phone-call suffices to let them know they are valuable to you.
In our type of work (pastor/missionary) we get to meet sooo many people and there is no way we can ever possibly know or even meet everyone. Yet everyone seems to remember us and thinks for sure we will know who they are.
 I cannot possibly have (nor do I want) a lot of close friends . I am content with a very few. But that's only what I want.
In meeting people at church or in any other setting where it may never be repeated (but who really knows??) I like to hear their story. People are usually quite happy to tell you a little or even a lot about themselves when they are far away from their home. I think there must be a certain safety in distance. As I have listened to the joys and sorrows of a virtual stranger I often feel a connection. Aren't we all in some way going through some of those same struggles? Is there some word of encouragement that might be given as a result of your own life experiences that would make a difference in their lives. More than once someone has said to me "remember 6 years ago (or 5 or even 1!) when you said to me...."And I think to myself "I said that??"It's then that  I know God is also using my words and my experience , the good the bad and the ugly for the furtherance of His kingdom. And just so I don't get too proud or full of myself I have this thorn in my flesh that it seems will NOT go away till I see Him face  to face. The one who said that your weakness may/can also be your strength did know what he was talking about.
When I was doing the psychology unit of my nursing training I was evaluated. "Rosalind gravitates to the patients who are less difficult and little investment of time and energy is required." I think there may well have been some fear too but her point was made.
Though I think I have made up for that evaluation over the years , I still would have (but for the prodding of God) the tendency to do (with people) what is easy for me and where I don't have to expend myself. Not good.
Somebody out there needs me to care about their story and when I remember to, I pray  "Lord lead me to the person YOU want me to speak to today and guide my heart, lips and words and may you be honoured this very day.

"The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak,
and to those who have no might He increases strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall,
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40:28-31

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